Merriam-Webster provides several definitions for the term "Ethics":
1) The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
2) A set of moral principles: a theory or system or moral values (ie: old-fashioned work ethic)
3) The principles of conduct governing an individual or group (ie: professional ethics)
4) A guiding philosophy
5) A set of moral issues or aspects, such as rightness (ie: debating the ethics of human cloning)
Business Ethics - Find books, databases, articles, and websites about conducting business in an ethical manner.
Computer and Technology Ethics - Resources to help you understand the complex ethical dilemmas related to modern technology.
Bioethics - Websites, databases, articles, books, and more about ethical issues related to science and the medical field.
Censorship-Websites, databases, articles, books, and more about the topic of censorship.