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Physical Education: Physical Wellness Pathfinder

A research guide for finding Physical Education resources in the BC3 Library and on the Internet, complied by the BC3 Librarians


 Resources for general, background information (description, diagnosis, treatment, etc.)

Example of a background search on "diabetes" in Credo Reference

Resources for more specific, foreground information 

For more recent or more specific information, especially for articles on wellness behaviors, look for articles in magazines and journals

HINT: You will likely be more successful if you search using keywords for a specific wellness behavior such as strength training or walking, rather than searching using the term "wellness behavior"

EBSCOhost includes several databases with health information 

  • Health Source-Consumer Edition
  • Health Source- Nursing/Academic Edition 
  • Masterfile Premier-popular magazines like Prevention and Health
  • Academic Search Premier-scholarly research articles 


Example of an advanced search on "diabetes prevention" in EBSCOhost 

Things to remember:

-Use quotation marks when searching for an exact phrase, i.e. "diabetes prevention"

-Check the full text box to eliminate any results that are just abstracts (i.e. just summaries, not the complete article)


Search results screen for "diabetes prevention"

-Click on either "PDF Full Text" or "HTML Full Text" to access the article

Mayo Clinic Bulletin

  • Monthly newsletter on a variety of topics, available in print in the library 



Citing Sources


Most of the databases will provide citations for resources. Lok for a quotes icon (") or a link for Cite or Citation. Select either APA or MLA depending on your instructor's requirements. You can then copy and paste the automatically generated citation onto your works cited page.