The BC3 Library has both print and electronic books related to medical office administration. They are all listed in the BC3 Library Catalog where you will find Dewey call numbers to locate books on the shelves (lower level of the library) and links to connect you to e-books. E-books can also be searched separately in our two e-book collections: e-Book Central by Proquest and e-Book Collection by EBSCO.
Browsing the Stacks
Business and general management books can be found in the 658 section of the library.
Office services and medical office management are in the 651 area.
Written communications books can be found in 652.
Medical and healthcare information technology are located in the 610 area.
For more OER Resources, see the Open Educational Resources LibGuide.
Check out these video series of educational and inspiring talks and performances, filmed at TED conferences and events.