"Travel" to Jordan with Julie
Tuesday, April 1 @ 12:45pm
Heaton 232 OR virtual. Click here if attending virtually.
Julie (one of the BC3 Librarians) will be sharing photos, anecdotes, and more from her trip to Jordan, the small, nearly land-locked country that truly packs a big punch in terms of all it has to offer visitors.
Librarians are available and ready to assist with research or technical questions. Stop by the library or contact us by Email: library@bc3.edu or by using the Ask/Request/Schedule options in the menu below.
Meet with a Librarian |
Reference databases are
A great place to start your research
Provide definitions, introductory information, facts, vocabulary/keywords, names
Preferred over Wikipedia by your instructors
Include citations for your bibliography!
Collection of encyclopedias, reference databases, issue topic databases
ProCon.org - web source that focuses on the pros and cons of controversial issues.
Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes scholarly literature across an array of disciplines including peer-reviewed academic journals and books, conference papers, theses and dissertations. Some of the resources are freely available full-text, others you will need to request using the library's Article or Book Request Forms.
What are Open Educational Resource (OER)? How do they benefit students and faculty? How are they being used at BC3, and how do you find and incorporate them into a BC3 course? Read more.....
The BC3 Library has flipped some of its magazine subscriptions to a digital format called Flipster. Use your myBC3 login to access them from your computer or mobile device.
Women's History Month
Virtual Talk with a Modern-Day Egyptologist
Tuesday, March 18 @ 12:45pm
In honor of Women's History Month, Dr. Kathleen Sheppard will introduce several female Egyptologists who were trailblazers in the field of Egyptology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Women who have largely been forgotten about...until now.
To register to attend, please click here.
For more information on the event and Dr. Sheppard, please click here.
Black History Month Talk
Tuesday, February 11 @ 12:45pm
Heaton 232 OR virtual. Click here if attending virtually.
In honor of Black History Month, BC3 history professor Deb Kruger will be giving a talk on Carl James Woods, a native of Butler County as well as a Tuskegee Airman and hero of World War II.
Click here for more information.
Holocaust Remembrance Talk
Thursday, February 6 @ 12:45pm
Heaton 232 OR virtual. Click here if attending virtually.
Lee Goldman Kikel, local author of Perseverance: One Holocaust Survivor's Journey from Poland to America
will be here to share her father's incredible story.
Click here for more information.
In alignment with BC3's Mission and Goals:BC3 Library Mission StatementThe BC3 Library is dedicated to providing information resources, both print and electronic, to support College curriculum and to meet the information needs of students, faculty, and staff. The Library will promote information literacy through formal classroom instruction, individual reference service, and online instructional training modules. The Library will welcome community citizens to use its services, resources, and facilities. The Library will provide a supportive, student-centered environment for individual and collaborative work. |
Library Faculty and StaffLaurie Eytel, Circulation Secretary, x8246Jessica Welter, Acquisitions Secretary, x8293Jean Shumway, Librarian, x8296Julia Tulba, Librarian, x8292Martin Miller, Dean of Library Services, x8210 |