-To access the tools feature (i.e. to do stuff like printing, downloading, etc) from the results page, click on the record link for the record you're interested in, then on the record page itself, click on the image of the original record. This will then enlarge it on your screen.
- From there click on the "wrench" icon on the right hand side of the screen. This will then pop out with a menu of various options including printing and downloading which will allow you to save the article.
-When printing, be sure to check the box "also print index and source data." This is always useful but necessary if you're a student and using Ancestry Library for a class assignment.
Ancestry Library also allows you to send records you find to your own personalized discovery page. All you need to do is enter your email address (it does NOT need to be your BC3 one) and you'll then receive a link to a personalized discovery page where you can view and download everything you find. It's in short a more neat and organized way of keeping track of everything, thus ensuring all of your genealogical records are together in one place.
You'll then receive an automated email saying a new entry has been posted on your discovery page. Clicking on it will take you to your personalized Discovery Page where you can then either download or print the image.
-Your Discovery Page only contains the last 300 documents that you saved to it.
-You will only get an email with the link to your Discovery Page once every 12 hours (as a means of not clogging up your inbox). You can always click the refresh button to see your latest finds.