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April is Earth Month!: Home

What is Earth Day?

Each April 22, we recognize the anniversary of Earth Day, the beginning of the modern environmental movement. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 when both activists and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson voiced concern about the state of our planet and asked Americans to join a grassroots movement to address issues such as air and water pollution, as well as pesticide use. Groups that had been independently fighting against oil spills, toxic waste sites, and habitat destruction now realized they had a common interest. This led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and other environmental laws. In 1990, Earth Day went global and recycling efforts increased dramatically. Since then, environmental leaders and activists have pushed for action on global warming and the use of clean energy. 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and we now recognize our planet for the entire month!

Climate Change and Global Warming

Other Environmental Problems

Save Our Planet!


Glacier Meltdown

Glacier Meltdown: Imagine a world where melting ice caps have raised sea levels by 20 feet (6 meters) and where the great costal cities of the world could be underwater. It's a nightmare scenario that could one day turn into reality. Now, Naked Science separates fact from fiction to discover the real science behind climate change, the melting ice caps and why powerful hurricanes have doubled in number in the last 30 years. .

What's Up With the Weather?

Explores the question of whether or not the changes in the weather, including global warming and the greenhouse effect, are the result of human activity.

An Inconvenient Truth

Former Vice President Al Gore explains the facts of global warming, presents arguments that the dangers of global warning have reached the level of crisis, and addresses the efforts of certain interests to discredit the anti-global warming cause. Between lecture segments, Gore discusses his personal commitment to the environment, sharing anecdotes from his experiences.

Blue Gold : World Water Wars

Wars of the future will be fought over water, as they are today over oil, as the source of all life enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling fresh water supply, prompting protests, lawsuits, and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive. Past civilizations have collapsed from poor water management. Will ours too?

Six Degrees Could Change the World

Discusses why many scientists believe that the Earth's average temperature could rise by as much as six degrees Celsius by 2100. Explores what each rising degree could mean for the future of humanity and our planet. Illustrates how global warming has already affected the reefs of Australia, the ice fields of Greenland, and the Amazonian rain forest. Explains what's real, what's still controversial, and how existing technologies and remedies could help dial back the global thermometer.

You Can Make a Difference!

There are LOTS of ways you can help to protect and save our planet!

  • Support our pollinators! Find out which local plants attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, and plant those in your garden.
  • Volunteer for park, neighborhood, and highway clean ups. Trash is unsightly and can also hurt the plants and animals that live in our communities.
  • Plant a tree! The generate oxygen and provide homes for birds, insects, and other animals.
  • The next time you shop for a car, make sure to by one with better gas mileage. This reduces global warming AND saves you money!
  • Eat less meat, especially beef. Beef production uses more land than all other food sources combined, and causes deforestation, global warming and water pollution. 
  • Use power strips and LED lightbulbs to waste less energy and save money!
  • Buy fewer new products and make sure to reduce, reuse and recycle!
  • Tell your elected officials that you are concerned about the environment, and they should be too! Vote for those who make the environment a priority.